【氏名】 石原 一 (いしはら はじめ)


    大阪大学基礎工学部物性物理工学科卒 (1985 .3)
    大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科物理系専攻前期博士課程修了(1987 .3)
    大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科物理系専攻後期博士課程修了(1990 .9)

【学位】 工学博士 (大阪大学) 1990 .9

【主要職歴】 1990.10 三菱電機 (株)中央研究所研究員
       1992.2   新技術事業団「さきがけ研究21」研究員併任
       1995.6   大阪大学基礎工学部 助手
       1996.2   同助教授
       1996.4   大阪大学基礎工学研究科 助教授
       2002.11 科学技術振興事業団(JST)戦略創造研究(CREST) 研究代表者
       2005.4   大阪府立大学工学研究科 教授 
       2017.4   大阪大学基礎工学研究科 教授 
           (大阪大学・大阪府立大学 クロスアポイントメント)



・H. Ishihara, T. Nakai and M. Hoshina
「Optical manipulation by nonlinear response of nanoparticles 」
The 4th Optical Manipulation Conference2017 (OMC ‘17)(Invited Paper) (Yokohama, April, 2017)

第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 招待講演 パシフィコ横浜(3月, 神奈川)

第15回顕微ナノ材料学研究会 招待講演 東京理科大学(3月, 東京)


第10回 物性科学領域横断研究会 
ゲスト領域講演 神戸大学(2016年12月,兵庫)

・石原 一

・H. Ishihara
「Manipulation of nanostructures by resonant optical responses」
The First Symposium of Chiral Molecular Science and Technology in Chiba University (Chiba, Feb. 2016) [Invited]

・石原 一
〜The 60th NATSUGAKU〜 第60回物性若手夏の学校

・石原 一
「メタマテリアル 第187委員会」平成26年度第3回委員総会・研究会
招待講演 機械振興会館(2014年12月,東京)

・石原 一
招待講演大阪府立大学 中百舌鳥キャンパス(2014年11月,大阪)

・石原 一
招待講演 ホテル北野プラザ六甲荘(2014年10月,兵庫)

・石原 一
招待セミナー (2014年8月,甲南大学・理工学部)

・H. Ishihara
「Optical manipulation of nanostructures by linear and nonlinear resonant responses」
1st Optical Manipulation Conference (OMC '14)
(Yokohama,, April, 2014) [invited]

・石原 一
日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 特別企画講演「光マニピュレーションの新潮流とナノ物質科学との融合」

・石原 一
「産業牽引型博士人材育成 − 正の循環を目指して −」
“ソフトな財=経験”による若手人材育成シンポジウム2013 基調講演(2013年11月,新潟)

・石原 一
日本光学会年次学術講演会Optics&Photonics Japan2013 

・石原 一

・Hajime Ishihara
「Photo-energy manipulation by antenna-molecule coupled systems」
The 7th International Conference on Nanophotonics/The 3rd Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro (ICNP/AOM2013)
(香港, May, 2013) [invited]

・石原 一
「物質共鳴とデザインされた光場で拓く次世代光マニピュレーション -レーザー
ピンセットを超えて-Optical manipulation in next generation pioneered by matter resonance
and designed light - beyond conventional laser tweezers -」

・石原 一

・石原 一
「アンテナー分子複合励起による光エネルギーマニピュレーション 」
日本化学会第93春季年会(2013) 特別企画講演「複合励起が拓く高度光子利用分子プロセス」

・Hajime Ishihara
「Linear and nonlinear optical responses of antenna-molecule coupled system」
The 10th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Nanostructured and Molecular Materials (EXCON'12)
(Groningen,the Netherlands, july, 2012) [invited]

・Hajime Ishihara
「Novel Scheme of Photon Energy Conversion in Antenna - Molecule Coupled System」
-Yamada Conference LXVI- International Conference on the Nanostructure-Enhanced Photo-Energy Conversion
指名講演(Tokyo, June, 2012) [invited]

・Hajime Ishihara
「Challenge for Resonant Optical Manipulation of Nanostructures」
Laser Bio/Nano Science Seminar
招待セミナー(台湾国立交通大学, April, 2012) [invited]

・石原 一
2012年(平成24年)春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会

・石原 一
「Microscopic energy manipulation through quantum coupling between antenna and molecules」
招待講演(2012年1月,理化学研究所和光キャンパス研究交流棟) [invited]

・石原 一
平成23年度 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 

・石原 一
第32回 JSTマイクロ化学懇話会

・H. Ishihara, M. Nakatani, A. Nobuhiro and Y. Mizumoto
「Unconventional optical properties of an antenna-molecule coupled system」
1st Korea-Japan Metamaterials Forum 2011
(Seoul Korea, july, 2011) [invited]

・石原 一

・石原 一

・石原 一

・石原 一
(2011年1月,大阪府立大学 サイエンスホール)

・H. Ishihara
"Unconventional molecular control by gap plasmon beyond long-wavelength approximation"
The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies Symposium
"The Nanostructure-Enhanced Photochemical Reactions" (Hawaii, December,2010) [invited]

・石原 一

・石原 一

・石原 一
〜The 55th Condensed-Matter Physics Summer School〜 物性若手夏の学校

・石原 一

・石原 一

・石原 一
2010年(平成22年)春季 第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会

・石原 一
東京大学 物性研究所 物性研短期研究会

・石原 一
日本分光学会 高感度表面・界面部会 第2回シンポジウム

・石原 一
化学者のためのプラズモン講座 -光と物質の究極的な相互作用実現に向けて-

・H. Ishihara,T.Iida and H.Ajiki
Theory of optical nano trapping
International Conference Organic nanophotonics (ICON2009)
(Stpetersburg, Russian, June, 2009) [invited]

・石原 一
SPring8 Seminar(第188回)

・石原 一
2009年(平成21年)春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会

・石原 一

・石原 一
化学者のためのプラズモン講座 - ナノ・マイクロ構造を利用した高効率光エネルギー変換 -

・H. Ishihara
Light-exciton coupling in nano-to-bulk crossover regime,
8th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter(EXCON'08)
(Kyoto, June, 2008) [Plenary]

・石原 一

・H. Ishihara
Anomalous radiative correction of multinode-type excitons in nano-to-bulk crossover regime,
The First International Conference on Material and Information Sciences in High Technologies (MISHT-2007)
(Baku, Azerbaijan, September, 2007)[invited]

・石原 一
Optics & Photonics Japan 2007シンポジウム「プラズモニクスとその分子制御への展開」
(2007年11月, 大阪)

・石原 一
特別企画講演(2007年3月, 大阪)

・H. Ishihara
Optical manipulation of nanoscale objects,
Challenges and opportunities in Nano-Optics
(Shanghai, China, January, 2007) [invited]

・H. Ishihara
Drastic size effects in light-matter interaction due to long-range excitonic coherence,
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'05)
(Kyoto, Japan, July 4-8,2005) [invited]

・石原 一
2004年(平成16年)春季 第51回応用物理学関係連合講演会
(2004年3月28日, 東京工科大学)

・石原 一
招待講演(2003年, 岡山大学)

・H. Ishihara
Anomalous Size Dependence of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Responses due to the Long-range Excitonic Coherence,
CREST&QNN03 Joint International Workshop
(Awaji, July 2003) [Keynote]

・石原 一
ナノ学会創立大会 シンポジウム「先鋭化するナノ研究戦略」
(2003年5月29日, 神戸大学)

・H. Ishihara
Nonlocality-induced multiple resonance in nonlinear optical processes,
Int. Conf. on Excitonic processes in condensed matter,
(Darwin, 2002) [invited]

・H. Ishihara
Ultrafast Nonlinear Response of an Extended Non-Dipole Typ Excitonic State in a GaAs Thin Film,
The 9th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology
(Tsukuba, 2002)[invited]

・石原 一
招待講演(2001年3月27日, 多摩大学)


・N. Yokoshi, K. Odagiri, A. Ishikawa and H. Ishihara
Synchronization Dynamics in a Designed Open System
Physical Review Letters, 118, 203601 (2017)

・T. Kinoshita and H. Ishihara
Design of nonlinear optical response of multipole-type excitons by film thickness and incident pulse width
Physical Review B, 95, 155418 (2017)

・T. Kudo, H. Ishihara and H. Masuhara
Resonance optical trapping of individual dye-doped polystyrene particles with blue- and red-detuned lasers
Optics Express, 25, 5, 4655-4664 (2017)

・ Kinoshita and H. Ishihara
Radiative coupling of A and B excitons in ZnO
Physical Review B, 94, 045441 (2016)

固体物理, 5, 10(1-11)(固体物理、2016)

・Y. Osaka, N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
Two-photon upconversion affected by intermolecule correlations near metallic nanostructures
Physical Review B, 93, 155420 (2016)

・T. Matsuda, N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
Upconverted photoluminescence induced by radiative coupling between excitons
Physical Review B, 93, 155418 (2016)

・H. Ishihara and K. Cho
Nanostructures, Optical Properties of
Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 2016,
Current as of 28 October 2015 (Elsevier B.V., 2015)

・N. Murata, R. Hata and H. Ishihara
Crossover between Energy Transparency Resonance and Rabi Splitting in Antenna−Molecule Coupled Systems
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 25493-25498 (2015)

・石原 一
レーザー学会誌「レーザー研究」Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 751-755, (2014)

・ Y. Osaka, N. Yokoshi, M. Nakatani and H. Ishihara
Enhanced up-conversion of entangled photons and quantum interference under localized field in nanostructures
Physical Review Letters, 112, 133601 (2014)

・H. Ishihara
Plasmon-molecule feedback interplay in light emission
JPSJ Online-News and Comments , 82, 137 (November 29, 2013) 依頼原稿

・一宮 正義、芦田 昌明、石原 一
スマートプロセス学会誌,Vol. 2, No. 5, 245-250 (2013)

・T. Kudo and H. Ishihara
Resonance optical manipulation of nano-objects based on nonlinear optical response
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 14595-14610 (2013)

・M . Nakatani, A. Nobuhiro, N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
Model of the photoexcitation processes of a two-level molecule coherently coupled to an optical antenna
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 8144-8150 (2013)

・T. Shoji, J. Saitoh, N. Kitamura, F. Nagasawa, K. Murakoshi, H. Yamauchi, S. Ito, H. Miyasaka, H. Ishihara and Y. Tsuboi
Permanent fixing or reversible trapping and release of DNA micropatterns on a gold nanostructure using continuous-wave or femtosecond-pulsed near-infrared laser light
Journal of The American Chemical Society, 135 (17), 6643−6648 (2013)

・M. Takase, H. Ajiki, Y. Mizumoto, K. Komeda, M. Nara, H. Nabika, S. Yasuda, H. Ishihara and K. Murakoshi
Selection-rule breakdown in plasmon-induced electronic excitation of an isolated single-walled carbon nanotube
Nature Photonics, 7, 550−554 (2013)
◆Covered by "News & View" in Nature Photonics 7, 508−510 (2013):
"Raman spectroscopy: The effect of field gradient on SERS"

・G. Tei, M. Nakatani and H. Ishihara
Strategy of ring-shaped aggregates in excitation energy transfer for removing disorder-induced shielding
New Journal of Physics, 15, 063032 (2013)

・S. Uryu, H. Ajiki and H. Ishihara
Model of finite-momentum excitons driven by surface plasmons in photoexcited carbon nanotubes covered by gold metal films
Physical Review Letters, 110, 257401 (2013)

・石原 一
レーザー学会誌「レーザー研究」Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 160-165, (2013)

・A . Ishikawa, K. Osono, A. Nobuhiro, Y. Mizumoto, T. Torimoto and H. Ishihara
Theory for self-consistent interplay between light and nanomaterials strongly modified by metallic nanostructures
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 4214-4225 (2013)
[Invited for the Themed Issues "Optical studies of single metal nanoparticles"]

・T. Yano, M. Nakatani, K. Osono and H. Ishihara
Energy Transparency of an Antenna-Molecule Coupled System by a Single-Photon Incidence
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (6) pp 2559−2555 (2013)
[Invited for the Special Issue]

・T. Shoji, Y. Mizumoto, H. Ishihara, N. Kitamura, M. Takase, K.Murakoshi and Y. Tsuboi
Plasmon-based optical trapping of polymer nano-spheres as explored by confocal fluorescence microspectroscopy : A possible mechanism of a resonant excitation effect
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51, 092001 (2012)
◆Selected for the article of "SPOTLIGHTS"of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.

・T. Kudo and H. Ishihara
Proposed nonlinear resonance laser technique for manipulating nanoparticles
Physical Review Letters 109, 087402 (2012)
◆Selected for the article of Focus "How to Manipulate Nanoparticles with Lasers"
in Physics 5, 95 (2012) of American Physical Society

・石原 一
レーザ加工学会誌 Vol. 18, No. 3、183 (2011)

・石原 一
応用物理 Vol. 80, No. 9、779 (2011)

・T. Torimoto, H. Horibe, T. Kameyama, K. Okazaki, S. Ikeda, M. Matsumura, A. Ishikawa and H. Ishihara
Plasmon-Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticle Immobilized on Silica-Coated Gold Particles
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2, 2057-2062 (2011)
Selected for "Most read Letters from the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters in the full year of 2011"

・M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
Generation of entangled-photon pairs from biexcitons in CuCl thin films : Nano-to-bulk crossover regime
Physical Review B84, 045125 (2011)

・H. Ishihara, A. Nobuhiroa, M. Nakatania and Y. Mizumotoa
Anomalous optical response of metal−molecule coupled system
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A : Chemistry , 211,148-153 (2011) [invited paper]

・T. Iida, Y. Aiba and H. Ishihara
Anomalous optical selection rule of an organic molecule controlled by extremely localized light field
Appl. Phys. Lett 98, 053108 (1-3) (2011)
◆ Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.Selected for the February 21(2011)
◆ Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.Selected for the February 15(2011)

・飯田 琢也、石原 一
日本物理学会誌 Vol. 65 No. 12、938 (2010)

・M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
Entangled-Photon Generation in Nano-to-Bulk Crossover Regime
Physical Review Letters 105, 123906 (2010)

・Y. Tsuboi, T. Shoji, N. Kitamura, M. Takase, K. Murakoshi, Y. Mizumoto and H. Ishihara
Optical Trapping of Quantum Dots Based on Gap-Mode-Excitation of Localized Surface Plasmon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1, 2327−2333 (2010)

・石原 一
「光科学研究の最前線2」JILS(強光子場科学研究懇親会)出版 (2009)

・M. Ichimiya, M. Ashida, H. Yasuda, H. Ishihara and T. Itoh
Observation of Superradiance by Nonlocal Wave Coupling of Light and Excitons in CuCl Thin Films,
Physical Review Letters 103, 257401 (2009)
◆ Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2010)

・M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
Crossover of exciton-photon coupled modes in a finite system,
Phys. Rev. B80, 125319 (2009)
◆ Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Vol. 20, Issue 14 (2009)

・H. Ajiki, T. Iida, T. Ishikawa, S. Uryu and H. Ishihara
Size- and orientation-selective optical manipulation of single-walled carbon nanotubes: A theoretical study,
Phys. Rev. B80, 115437 (2009)
◆ Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Vol. 20, Issue 15 (2009)

・石原 一,石川 陽
「光学」 第38巻 第8号 p431(25) - 436(30) (2009)

・石原 一
「機械の研究」 第61巻 第8号 p769 - p776 (2009)

・H. Oka, G. Oohata and H. Ishihara
Efficient generation of energy-tunable entangled photons in a semiconductor microcavity,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94,111113 (2009)
◆ Selected for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information Volume 9,Issue 4 (2009)

・M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
Breakdown of Fermi's Golden Rule in Exciton−Photon Interaction,
J. Phys. Soc.Jpn 78, 043701 (2009)

・H. Ajiki, H. Ishihara, and K. Edamatsu
Cavity-assisted generation of entangled photons from a V-type three-level system,
New J.of Phys. 11, 033033 (2009)

・H. Yasuda and H. Ishihara
Multiple beats of weakly confined excitons with inverted selection rule,
Phys. Rev. B79,193308(2009)
◆ Selected for "Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science"Volume 8, Issue 6 (2009)

・T. Iida and H. Ishihara
Theory of resonant radiation force exerted on nanostructures by optical excitation of their quantum states:
From microscopic to macroscopic descriptions,
Phys. Rev. B77, 245319 (2008)
◆ Selected for the article of Physical Review Focus "A Nanoscale Tractor Beam" Vol.21, Story 21, 25 June (2008)
◆ Selected for "Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology" Vol. 17, Issue 26 (June 30, 2008)
◆ Selected for "Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research" Vol. 16, Issue 1 (July 1, 2008)

・H. Oka and H. Ishihara
Highly efficient generation of entangled photons by controlling cavity bipolariton states,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 170505 (2008)
◆ Selected for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information Vol. 8, Issue 5 (2008)
◆ Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Vol. 17, Issue 19 (2008)

・A. Ishikawa and H. Ishihara
Design of Many-Atom Cavity QED Systems for Strong Two-Photon Nonlinearity,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100,203602 (2008)

・M. Bamba, and H. Ishihara
QED of excitons with nonlocal susceptibility in arbitrary-structured dielectrics,
Phys. Rev. B78, 085109(2008)
◆ Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Vol.18,Issue 8 (August. 25, 2008)

・G. Oohata,T. Nishioka,D. Kim,H. Ishihara and M. Nakayama
Giant Rabi splitting in a bulk CuCl microcavity,
Phys. Rev.B78, 233304 (2008)

・H. Oka and H. Ishihara
Real-time analysis of the optical response of cavity bipolaritons:Four-wave mixing and dynamics of formation,
Phys. Rev. B78, 195314 (2008)

・H. Oka, K. Taniguchi, H. Ajiki and H. Ishihara
General mechanism of optical nonlinearity enhancement by cavity QED,
Phys. Rev. B78, 245420 (2008)

・H. Ajiki and H. Ishihara
Biexcitonic cavity quantum electrodynamics effect on nonlinear spectra of a quantum dot,
J of Appl. Phys. 104, 123105 (2008)
◆ Virtual Journal of Quantum Information Volume 9, Issue 1 (2009)
◆ Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Volume 19, Issue 1 (2009)
◆ Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science Volume 8, Issue 1 (2009)

・T. Iida and H. Ishihara
Nano-Optical Manipulation Using Resonant Radiation Force,in Progress in Nano-Electro-Optics VI:
Nano Optical Probing, Manipulation, Analysis, and Their Theoretical Bases, edited by Motoichi Ohtsu
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2008), pp.115-168

・H. Ishihara
Drastic Nonlinear Optical Response beyond Long-Wavelength Approximation Regime,
JPSJ Online-News and Comments (Apr. 10, 2008)

・H.Ishihara, A.Syouji, Y.Segawa and M.Bamba
Anomalous exciton−radiation coupling in the nano-to-bulk crossover regime,
J. of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19, 445008 (2007) [invited paper]

・H.Ajiki and H.Ishihara
Entangled-Photon Generation in Biexcitonic Cavity QED
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 76,053401(1-4) (2007)
◆ Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, Volume 7, Issue 7 (2007)

・T.Iida and H.Ishihara
Theoretical study of the resonant-light-induced force microscopy,
Nanotechnology 18, 084018 (2007)

・T. Iida and H. Ishihara
Force control between quantum dots by light in polaritonic molecule states,
Physical Review Letters; Vol.97, p.117402 (2006).
◆ Selected for the September 25,2006 issue of the Virtual Journal ofNanoscale Science & Technology

・K. Koshino and H. Ishihara
Two-photon nonlinear interaction mediated by cavity quantum electrodynamics systems,
International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 20 (2006) [Review]

・M. Nakayama, D. Kim, and H. Ishihara
Center-of-mass quantization of excitons in PbI2 thin films grown by vacuum deposition,
Phys. Rev. B74, 073306 (2006).

・H. Ajiki, T. Kaneno, H. Ishihara
Vacuum-field Rabi splitting in semiconducting core-shell microsphere,
Phys. Rev. B73, p155322 (2006)

・H. Ishihara
Drastic size effects in light-matter interactions due to long-range excitonic coherence,
Laser Physics, Vol. 16, 232 (2006)

・K. Koshino and H. Ishihara
Two-photon nonlinearity by an excitonic system placed in a cavity,
Phys. Rev. A 71, 063818 (2005)

・T. Iida and H. Ishihara
Optical manipulation of nano materials under quantum mechanical resonance conditions,
IEICE Transactions, Vol.E88-C, No.9 1809 (2005)

・H. Ishihara
Anomalous size dependence of optical nonlinearities due to the  excitonic coherence,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 R247 (2004) (Topical Review)

・石原 一
「応用物理」 Vol.73 No.6, 764(2004)

・K. Koshino and H. Ishihara
Evaluation of two-photon nonlinearity by semiclassical method,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 173601 (2004)

・K. Koshino and H.Ishihara
Two-photon nonlinearity in general cavity QED systems,
Phys. Rev. A70, 013806 (2004).

・A. Syouji, B. P. Zhang, Y. Segawa, J. Kishimoto, H. Ishihara, K. Cho
Interchange of quantum states of confined excitons caused by radiative corrections in CuCl films,
Phys. Rev. Lett, 92, 257401(2004)
◆ Selected for the July 5, 2004 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.

・H. Ishihara, J. Kishimoto and K. Sugihara
Anomalous mode structure of a radiation−exciton coupled system beyond the long-wavelength approximation regime
J. of Luminescence 108, 342 (2004)

・H. Ishihara and K. Cho
Optical Manipulation of Single Nanoparticles,“Single Organic Nanoparticles”, ed.
H. Masuhara and K. Sasaki, pp.147-154 (Springer, 2003)

・H. Ishihara
Nonlocality induced anomalous input-intensity dependence of optical response for weakly confined excitons in an ultrathin film,
Phys. Rev. B67, 113302 (2003)

・T. Iida and H. Ishihara
Theoretical study of optical manipulation of semiconductor nano-particles under an excitonic reonance condition
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 057403 (2003)
◆ Selected for the article of Physical Review Focus 11, Story 6, 11 Feb.(2003)
◆ Selected for the February 17, 2003 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.

・H. Ishihara, K. Cho, K. Akiyama, N. Tomita, Y. Nomura and T. Isu
Nonlocality induced large degenerate-four-wave mixing of spatially extended non-dipole type excitonic state in GaAs thin layer,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 017402 (2002)

・T. Iida and H. Ishihara
Study of the mechanical interaction between electromagnetic field and a nanoscopic thin film near electronic resonance,
Optics Lett. 27, 754, (2002)

・H. Ishihara, T. Amakata, K. Cho
Anomalous size dependence of degenerate four-wave-mixing due to the double resonance of the internal field and the third-order susceptibility,
Phys. Rev. B65, 035305 (2002)

・石原 一、井須 俊郎、秋山 浩一、張 紀久夫 
日本物理学会誌 55 (2000) 701-7